The "Soil Classroom" at St. Peter in der Au has been opened!

From left to right: Dr. Erwin Szlezak and Landesrat Mag. Johann Heuras with Mr. Josef Franz and Ms. Selina Hofer at the soil information board.

Landesrat Heuras: „We only protect, what we also appreciate. Sites of environmental education, such as the soil classroom, are educational institutions for all senses!"

Our Soil is a Treasure
Soil is a precious commodity. A habitat, on the quality and functionality of which our life depends as well! The upper layer of soil beneath our feet - only 50, 30 or even only 10 cm thick - provides for more than 90 % of all food and carries all growth of our diverse cultural landscape. Unfortunately, the awareness of the importance of soil is far to little established in the minds of its owners and users.

Soil Walking Trail at St. Peter
Already in 2007, the Austrian Soil Science, in cooperation with the Department of Rural Development, have built a soil walking trail at the municipality of St. Peter in der Au. At St. Michael, a part of the municipality, situated at a height of over 500 m, the walking trail of "fertile land" leads through especially beautiful landscapes with three stations, which show three different soil types.


Association BIENE
(Boden- Bioenergie- und Nachhaltigkeits Netzwerk NÖ|EU)

Ing. Klemens Rybaczek
Braiten 5
A-3153 Eschenau

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