Lower Austria is leading soil protection region in Europe

Mr. PLANK presented Soil Art Calendar 2008 on the World Soil Day

St. Poelten (2008-12-03) "Soil is an important resource, because it cannot be increased. It is a symbol of "observing moderation", which we need with respect to the basis of human life altogether. The new Soil Art Calendar provides a new, creative and emotional access to soil protection and most of all to the people who deal with soil", Provincial Counsel Josef Plank declared at the occasion of presenting the Calendar in St. Poelten.

Lower Austria is one of the leading regions with respect to soil protection. About half the European „members of the European Land and Soil Alliance", i.e. organizations, towns and municipalities are from Lower Austria. The Province itself entered the European Land and Soil Alliance already in 2003.

In the autumn of 2007, Mr. Plank launched the creative competition "... with the Colours of the Earth". 150 Lower Austrian schools received a precious paintbox, containing pigments and structure material gained from domestic soils. Among the 550 pieces of art submitted, in April 2008 the winners were chosen in the course of the huge final event at the Provincial Museum in St. Poelten. The best pieces of art have been included into an art calendar: "Bodenkunst / soil art", which was presented at the occasion of the World Soil Day. Also the website www.soilart.at came into existence at this occasion.

Distribution of calendars and posters is performed by the Emmaus Community, with whom a project partnership for a "social production" is maintained. The Emmaus Carpenter's at St. Poelten produce paintboxes and fill in the respective soil colours, while Emmaus at Lilienfeld provide for transport and storage of pieces of art.

Click here for information about „soil colours" and the topic of soil http://www.unserboden.at/.


For further information:
Abteilung Landentwicklung
Dipl.Ing. Dr. Erwin Szlezak
E-Mail: info@unserboden.at
soil phone: +43-(0)2742/9005 DW 9070

For further information: klaus.luif@noel.gv.at , 02742 / 9005-12705.

lead photo: Source: NLK, Schleich
F.l.t.r.: winning form federal grammar schools 2d in Neunkirchen under supervision of Ms. Martina Schrammel, DDr. Leopold Kogler (Lower Austrian provincial education authority), Director of Provincial Museum Mr. Carl Aigner, Provincial Counsel DI Josef Plank


Association BIENE
(Boden- Bioenergie- und Nachhaltigkeits Netzwerk NÖ|EU)

Ing. Klemens Rybaczek
Braiten 5
A-3153 Eschenau
Email: office@biene-netzwerk.at

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